Celebrating Excellence: Premier Pest Control Excels in BPCA Audit 

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In a remarkable testament to their dedication and expertise, Premier Pest Control has proudly announced the successful completion of their recent BPCA (British Pest Control Association) audit, solidifying their position as a trusted leader in the pest control industry. With this achievement, the company secures an impressive twenty-four uninterrupted years as valued members of the prestigious BPCA, underscoring their commitment to the highest standards of professionalism and quality service. 

The BPCA Audit: A Stamp of Excellence 

The British Pest Control Association is a revered institution within the pest management industry, renowned for its stringent standards and commitment to upholding best practices. For Premier Pest Control, passing the BPCA audit with flying colours is a great achievement that underscores their unwavering dedication to excellence. This reaffirms the company’s adherence to the highest standards of safety, efficacy and ethical practices. 

Celebrating Success: A Message from the Business Development Manager 

As Premier Pest Control celebrates this milestone achievement, Business Development Manager Thomas Cunningham expressed his pride in the company’s achievements: “We are very proud to ring in our 24th year as continued members of the British Pest Control Association. It is a very prestigious organisation and all credit goes to our diligent staff who have participated in this accreditation.” 


Their dedication to professionalism, safety, and ethical practices but has also elevated their reputation as a reliable partner in safeguarding businesses, local authorities, hospitals and ultimately, people, from pest-related concerns. As the company continues to evolve and excel, their legacy of excellence remains steadfast, setting a high bar for the industry as a whole. 

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